Friday, June 10, 2011

Nor'easter Brewing adds more details on Beers to be Marketed

The Nor'easter Brewery team has been extremely busy in an effort to create truly unique recipes for their flagship beers.  We offer a sneak peak at the year round beers and hope fellow beer drinkers will enjoy them. 

-Nor’easter Pale Ale – A light and refreshing classic beer, golden yellow beer with light floral aroma from choice hops.  This will be an easy to drink light bodied beer.
-Nor’easter IPA – Our IPA beer (India Pale Ale) will be a crisp, medium bodied, beer with a dark copper shade.  Plenty of choice, high Alpha hops, yet well balanced and not too intense for the best IPA from our select malted barley.
-Nor’easter Brown Ale – This will be a medium body, brown beer brewed with the finest two row barley with soft but serious aromas of hops.
-Nor’easter ESB – Extra Special Bitter  - A darker copper colored yet full bodied Ale, with high bitterness and mild carbonation. Not overly hopped, but rather well balanced.


Anonymous said...

Good luck. Connecticut can use another good craft brewery. I get your twitters - keep 'em coming - very cute and informative. Any update on the opening? any confirmations on where in CT?

Anonymous said...

When will the brewery open? Nice to have another choice in Connecticut. Have you been in the beer business before?
BTW. Great name!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for a new east coast beer company. When you starting?

Anonymous said...

What's the latest on your start up? Have you selected a site?
Will you just be a package brewery or a brewpub, or simply contract out production?
I did not see any updates on the Nor'easter Brewing website.
Good luck! Cheers.